
Support is a personal business
At 454 EDI Services (454), we know that Support is a personal business. It is people who experience the everyday problems that stand in the way of a job well done. Our support team are there for you, to help resolve such problems.

If your organisation has decided to implement EDI as part of a strategic initiative to cut costs and improve efficiency it will have chosen to implement either an in-House EDI Solution, an outsourced Managed Services solution, a combination of both.

454 know that EDI and B2B e-commerce systems extend beyond the boundaries of an organisation and will reflect a business and its brand values. That’s why we take time to get to know our clients, their business, their systems, their people and their values. This differentiates our support; we know and follow the whole process from start to finish, from the source application, across the Internet or VAN to the Trading Partner and their processing systems.

Our support services are not just for organisations that have opted for an in-house EDI solution. Organisations that have outsourced their EDI to a Managed Service provider use our support services too. Thanks to our experience and understanding of our client’s process, 454 are able to identify issues that are beyond the scope of the service provider’s domain or ahead of the provider’s contracted response times. We work with these service providers on behalf of our client and if we have to log a call, it is better qualified and more focused; an advantage depending on the nature of your products and the constraints the business process imposes.

Our Support Services can be tailored to fit, providing the right level of cover and response required to get the best from your EDI and collaborative system. We’re happy to sit with you to discuss the requirements for your support agreement.

Looking for more information? If we have inspired you with ideas and would like to see how using 454 can add value to your business or perhaps you have any questions, please get in touch with us. We’re looking forward to working with you!